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So, how can you, as a property owner, help to make sure your Hawaii investment property stays in tip-top shape? From setting clear expectations for general property upkeep with your tenants to scheduling routine home maintenance services, there are many ways you can prevent minor home repairs from becoming major headaches.
Below, Locations property managers share their best tips for staying on top of maintenance for your investment property.
The best way to avoid costly repairs is to try to prevent damage and neglect from occurring in the first place. To make sure that you and your tenants are on the same page, be sure to clearly spell out your expectations in your rental agreement.
You’ll want to provide tenants with detailed instructions on how to operate and maintain appliances, how and when to replace air conditioning filters or water filters, if needed, and general plumbing care. You’ll also want to provide your tenants with appliance manuals and let them know where to locate the property’s water shut-off valves and circuit breaker panels. Be sure your tenants understand the importance of keeping the property clean and tidy to prevent pests from taking up residence, a common issue in Hawaii.
Just like regular visits to the dentist can ward off costly dental work down the road, investing in scheduled, routine maintenance for your investment property now will pay off in the future.
Some items that Locations property managers recommend scheduling routine maintenance for include: Air conditioning, pest control, photovoltaic (PV) cleaning, pool service, landscape service, gutter cleaning and garage-door maintenance.
In addition to routine maintenance, it’s also important to schedule an annual inspection of your investment property. Some things you might look for are evidence of water damage or leaks, electrical issues, such as flickering lights or outlets that don’t work, or signs of pests. Be sure to check the smoke detector batteries, too!
Your Locations property manager will conduct annual property inspections on your behalf. If maintenance is required, we’ll arrange for a professional to service your property.
Delaying necessary maintenance and repairs on your investment property could end up costing you more in the long run— in costly repairs, or even lost rental income. Locations property managers recommend fixing any issues with your investment property before they become larger, more expensive issues. Your property manager can recommend a reputable handyman to make any needed repairs in a timely and cost-effective manner.
As an investment property owner, it’s important to keep good records of any property inspections and repairs, as well as any appliance replacements. Keeping good records will help you to stay on top of routine property maintenance and ensure that you can continue to collect the highest rent the market will bear while keep your expenses to a minimum.
Finally, when it comes to maintenance and repairs on your investment property, unless you are an experienced handyperson, it’s best to call upon licensed professionals. Repairs that aren’t done correctly could lead to more expensive repairs in the future, or worse, endanger your tenants. If you don’t have a trusted handyperson on Oahu, your Locations property manager can recommend licensed professionals in a variety of specialties—from landscapers and plumbers to electricians and more.
Remember, the best thing that you can do to make sure your investment property continues to generate income for years to come is to keep it well maintained. If you’re unsure about what types of routine maintenance are recommended for your Hawaii investment property, talk to a Locations property manager. Our team of experienced property managers can help you to keep your property looking its best--while earning you the most rental income possible!